Rodrygo: “Militão's return makes me much happier than my goals"

1 mois

Real Madrid's star of the match against Athletic, Rodrygo, scorer of the two goals that won the game, was delighted after the match: "It's been a very special day. It's always important for me to score in this jersey and it's a pleasure for me. I'm very happy with the win and the performance we put in," he said.
"I really enjoy the move for the first goal. Hopefully I'll score more goals like that. These are three very important points, it's always important to get a win. We're in the final stretch of the season and in the league, so we always have to pick up points to move closer and closer to the title".
Militão's return
"Militão's return makes me much happier than my goals because I knew that I was going to score again. It was a special day for Militão".
On the Manchester City game
"It's going to be tough, as always. We're up against City again and we're ready for them. It should be a very nice game, let's see what happens".

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