Rodrygo: “It's wide open for the second leg”

1 mois

Real Madrid drew with Manchester City in the first leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, and the scorer of our second goal on the night, Rodrygo, reflected on the match: “We wanted to win it and get a positive result in the opening game but in the end we come away with a draw. We missed a few good chances but it's okay. We have to train well this week, we have another match and then we can think about the second leg."

“It's always difficult to go behind so early on. We managed to get back in front and we could have controlled the game a bit better, we were hugely dangerous on the break. Now we are fully focused on next week."

His position on the left wing
“They didn't expect me to go down the left because Vini is always there. We tried a new tactic and it worked well, even if the result wasn't what we wanted. Now we have to think about next week.”

City’s attacking threat
“We knew they had good finishers and we had to close them down early. We failed to do that and there's not much to say, it's up to us to win there. It's all open for the second leg. Whoever misses the least will go through.”

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