Lunin: “It's always easier to get a win when you don't concede goals”

1 mois

Real Madrid overcame Athletic Club at the Santiago Bernabéu and Lunin, who kept another clean sheet, had this to say: "We played well. We knew we were up against a strong side, a Copa del Rey finalist. They've got good players and they're quick up front so we were well prepared. Fortunately I was able to save Williams' shot, that's my job. Thank God everything turned out well".
Another clean sheet
"It's always easier to get a win when you don't concede goals, we're always looking to keep a clean sheet. Having the best players in the world up front, we know we're going to create chances and we have to take advantage of them. But keeping a clean sheet is important".
Militão's return
"It's impossible to imagine. He's been through a very difficult journey. He's worked hard and dug deep and we're all extremely happy for him. Hopefully he'll keep going and stay strong, we're waiting for him on the pitch".
Manchester City game
"We're going to be preparing seriously and thoroughly, as we do for every game. We'll recover now, we've got a few days to prepare well and train. We'll watch the video of the opposition and we'll do everything we can to get the best result". 

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